- Index
Abort Light and Dark Frames at Dawn: When checked, light frame acquisition will be aborted at the specified sun elevation and dark frame acquisition will be aborted at he specified sun elevation. For most users, setting -18 (astronomical dawn) for light frames and -6 (civil dawn) for dark frames are appropriate. See the Enhanced Automation topic for suggested usage.
Park Telescope after Dawn Flats: When checked, the telescope will be parked at the park position specified in your telescope control server.
Telescope Tracking Off after Dawn Flats: When checked, telescope tracking will be turned off via your telescope control server.
Run 7: When checked, CCDAutoPilot will run whatever application is entered after the telescope is parked or tracking is turned off. To enter an application, hit the to navigate to the specific application to be run. If the application requires any arguments to follow the application, enter them manually in the arg space .To clear an entry, simply hit Cancel after hitting . Timeout sets how long to wait for a called application to return control to CCDAutoPilot. This can be set if the called application takes an inordinate time to complete. Entering 0 means CCDAutoPilot will wait forever for the application to complete.
Park Rotator at: When checked, moves the rotator to the rotator position indicated.
Close Dome after Dawn Flats: If checked, the dome will be closed at this point in the sequence.
Raise Imager Cooler Set Point to: If checked, the set points of the imager cooler will be raised to the temperature specified. This is to allow the coolers not to drive too hard when systems are left on around the clock. It can also be used to warm up the cooler before shutting down if desired.
Raise Guider Cooler Set Point to: If checked, the set points of the guider cooler will be raised to the temperature specified. This is to allow the coolers not to drive too hard when systems are left on around the clock. It can also be used to warm up the cooler before shutting down if desired.
Unlink Software When checked, all software and drivers will be logically disconnected from CCDAutoPilot. This can be useful when a power down or other disconnect option is called at Run 8.
Run 8: When checked, CCDAutoPilot will run whatever application is entered at the end of the session. To enter an application, hit the to navigate to the specific application to be run. If the application requires any arguments to follow the application, enter them manually in the arg space. To clear an entry, simply hit Cancel after hitting . Timeout sets how long to wait for a called application to return control to CCDAutoPilot. This can be set if the called application takes an inordinate time to complete. Entering 0 means CCDAutoPilot will wait forever for the application to complete.